Seasons of the Mo

Seasons of the Mo

We love the winter season.

A slower pace of life. Time moves slower.

Winter can do that to a feller.

Time to think about…

…the Seasons of Fishing. How different they are. How enjoyable the summer hatches are. How cleansing the Spey Casts of winter can be.

…the Seasons of Nature. The excitement of spring. the long afternoons of summer, the dank smells of fall, the loneliness of winter.

…the Seasons of Life.

Too deep for me for a Monday in January. I’m gonna return mind wandering mind to the Seasons of Fishing. And I am dreaming of the midges dancing on late winter waters.

We are staying busy here in Craig. Winter fix ups, painting, and prepping for the summer ahead.

Watching the Seasons of the Mo come and go.