Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Veterans day 2020 is being celebrated to present special thanks, paying respect and love to the military men and women, who devoted their whole life for serving their homeland and they gave many sacrifices for the comfort of their compatriots.

We thank our Vets daily.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Check out some facts about Armistice Day, Veterans Day, and why it is November 11th.

5 thoughts on “Veterans Day”

  1. Thank You to all our Vets. You are all heros. Nov 10th was the Marine Corps Birthday, so Semper Fi to all

  2. Hey Stan, it’s a public acknowledgment of thanks to our veterans. Oversight in semantics. Great that there are people like you around to critique it.

    • nicest take down I have ever seen “Great there are people like you around to critique it”, lol. No one is discounting women, Molly Pitcher and all the women that manned the war factories like my mom during WWII, we would not be free without their contributions. I don’t need woke cry babies to remind me of that!

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