Headhunters All-Star Macie Speaks about the Summer

Headhunters All-Star Macie Speaks about the Summer

Ed Note: CLOSED tomorrow Tuesday November 3rd. GO VOTE!

Ed Note: Macie came to us early summer with another HH All-Star Jack who says his article is forthcoming. Many of you met and have had interactions with both of our newest shop staff members. We could not be happier with these two as they stepped right in and have excelled. We couldn’t of got through without these two in summer 2020. Macie holds down a media based career as well juggling two wonderful kids, and Headhunters duties. Thanks Macie. We appreciate your help and hope to continue our relationship here at the shop!

Let me start off by saying WOW! Being part of Headhunters has been quite the experience, a great experience, from the work itself, the team, and the willingness from others to teach me about this amazing world of fly fishing.  This really is a whole new world for me, one that I’m excited to remain a part of and keep learning as much as I can.

My top 5 favorite Attributes of working for Headhunters would be…

  • Knowledge – The knowledge of everyone’s experience here just pours out of the shop with each of their preferred Fly Fishing techniques, everyone is always happy to share what they know or if it’s something they aren’t certain about they will locate a person at the shop that will know or is more knowledgeable about the topic or technique.
  • Helpfulness – This goes hand in hand with knowledge, the helpfulness at Headhunters is really like no where I have been employed before. I’m a little more used to seeing questions from clients or customers get blow off or put on the sideline from previous places I have worked, that is not the case here, whether it’s a quick question or long one, the people here take the time to answer and ensure the customer is leaving here with more information than before making it so their experience was that much better.
  • Availability and Adaptable – Everyday and even on the busiest days, from someone wanting a last minute guide trip, to a shuttle or whatever it may be, the staff comes together to figure out a way to make sure the availability is there for that customer. One of my favorite examples of this from this summer was a group of gentlemen came over and wanted to give their brother a great fly fishing experience, this man was in a wheelchair with little mobility, but Headhunters was able to adapt and make this possible for them.
  • Friendly – The vibe of the staff has always been very friendly and has open arms towards me, I felt comfortable right away.  Everyone seems to carry this attitude out towards each other and it makes each day enjoyable to be here, I can tell customers and clients enjoy coming in here to chat for that very same reason!
Last but certainly not least…
  • FUN – We seem to have a little, sometimes a lot, of fun in each day. It’s nice being around co workers that can laugh with each other, joke around and still be productive.  Fishing with each other is a great time of course but also helpful to learn off one another.

Earlier this summer I got the opportunity to go on a guided trip with one of Headhunters guides, it was one of the best and I quickly saw why Fly Fishing is such a desired lifestyle on the Missouri River.

Good Vibes, Good People, All Smiles