5 Missouri River Low Water Tips


5 Missouri River Low Water Tips

The Mo has not been this low in some time. Years, decades. And we love it. It is interesting to find new water, find the water that the fish have moved into. To explore the river in so many different water flows.

The BWO’s are on the horizon. Water temps falling. Fish want to rise. They mostly have not. Some out there looking for the bigger BWO and October caddis. The rest are nymphing hard. The fish I mean!

  1. Find moving water. Center of the river has lots of action. If you see moving water, riffles, roily, texture…fish it. With either blind dry or nymphs.
  2. Long in the morning. The fish like to follow the bugs as they move through the water column in the day. Most are fishing the deeper slots in the am. 4′-5′ with split.
  3. Short in the afternoon. Or short all day long. Some are fishing the Short Leash all day long with depths of 2′-3′. Find that moving skinny water and toss it in there.
  4. Sows and Scuds. Fish sows and scuds. Tailwater sows and the lowly scud have their place in the fall months. The scuds are huge out there and a good time to employ the larger flies in your box. 10’s, 12’s, 14’s, and 16’s will get it done.
  5. Banks do not always have enough water on them to hold fish. With the lower water flows you may want to fish other waters. Although the deeper banks can hold good fish for streamer anglers.

Need additional info? Stop in the shop for an education session with one of our crack shop staff. Don’t understand the center river technique? Hire a HH Guide to show you the ropes. Need help rigging your Short Leash Nymph system? Again, the shop can help.

Best Flies Under the Big Sky.


