Early October Fishing Update

Early October Fishing Update

Not really that good. Certainly for the time of year.

Last year this week? 12F and snowing hard. About a foot that first night.

This year? It’s one of those we don’t like that much. Or hate. 75F and windy. Awesome.


Nymphing fair,

Dry fly not good. Blind fishing get a few. There are few more out there rising. But seems more of a You’ll find a few if you drift. But don’t go looking for them to post up. I’ll let you know a detailed dry fly report in a couple days as I head out for 3 with a dry fly only feller.

Streamer fishing fair. And looking up. Water temps cooling. But the high and bright skies do not lend themselves to trout holding on banklines and in wide open shallow flats.

Swingers? Also getting better. Weeds leaving. Find some fast water  for good swing success.

Weather? Real nice. Too nice. Go away sun and wind.

Happy Monday from Craig Montana.