Friday Foto and All is Well

Friday Foto and All is Well

Feels like summer here in Craig Montana.

Trico’s falling daily. PMD’s still in the mix. Caddis at a 10 year high. Hoppers getting chomped. Ants flying about.

And this rock cairn on the river proves that all is well.

Happy Friday to all of you. A great weekend ahead. 96F Sunday. 90’s all week long. The weeds will certainly advance with the warmer temps. Early starts will be the norm in the near future.

Enjoy the final day of July 2020!

Call us if you need any lodging, guide trips, river info, ro just want to talk about Trout Spey!

Until next time Make the First Cast Count!

1 thought on “Friday Foto and All is Well”

  1. Saw alot of those in the countryside around Lago Stroble, although those had hundreds of rocks and up to 10 feet tall. Cool

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