Today July 22nd 2-6pm Drive Thru COVID-19 Testing in Craig MT

July 22nd 2-6pm Drive Thru COVID-19 Testing in Craig MT

We will be co-operating with L & C County Public Health and Pureview Health Center as they administer a Sentinel Testing Program in Craig on. July 22. The aim of the program is to test “front line workers” (guides, shop staff, restaurant and lodge employees) to see if any are asymptomatic carriers. Basically, they want to know if any of us are infected and don’t know it.
The testing facility will be in the drive through lane at the shop, Wednesday, July 22 from 2-6 pm. The test will NOT be the deep “brain-tickler” you hear about on the news. It will be self administered (you do it yourself), and you will simply swab the inside of both nostrils, then hand them the test kit. This test is considered non-invasive.
You also must not have known exposure to COVID-19, and you should not be symptomatic.
The test is free. 2-6pm at the shop in Craig 145 Bridge St Craig MT 59648

7 thoughts on “Today July 22nd 2-6pm Drive Thru COVID-19 Testing in Craig MT”

  1. Had a co-worker go home with symptoms over two weeks ago. Took test that day and received results 2 weeks later! She was negative. She could not work for those two weeks while she waited!

    Craig relies on visitors and each other, you are like a big sports team. Get peace of mind for yourself and peace of mind for your team!

    It would be great for you and great for business!

    I wish it was this easy in California.

  2. Is the testing restricted to residents of Lewis & Clark county? My address is located in Cascade county.

  3. …and then 3-4 days to get test results back, during which time you could have picked up the virus, but now you have a 4 day old test result which indicate you are Negative, so, what exactly is the purpose of this test? just asking…

  4. Wild Bill, what if you were positive. Then you would notify people you were in contact with, chill at home for awhile (watch baseball) and maybe save a life.

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