Reach Cast Video


Reach Cast Video

An oldie but goodie on the Headhunters Blog.

Since you have been practicing casting the entire month we are reminding you to do a bit of this action too.

Some sort of slack line presentation can be important when fishing flat slow moving tailwater and spring creeks.

Fish still don’t like dragging flies.

Dead flies don’t swim.

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2 thoughts on “Reach Cast Video”

  1. By far one of my favorite clips. I watch it sometimes before I hit the river. Just study that cast and the ones in Dead Flies Don’t Swim – some great reachers in that honey. Play em back in slow motion – learn em. Practice em – you’ll win.

  2. Hey guys, I hope you and John continue to produce more videos! I moved to Montana 3 years ago today! Scumliner Vimeo and “sipping dry” may had something to do with that… if you ever need any help on the video side let me know as I’m a video pro (I’m sure you get my email with this comment). Anyways, learning this cast has been extremely helpful not only for the MO, but many other rivers. Thanks!

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