Can’t make all this s**t up!

A gnarly spring storm ripped into Craiglandia yesterday afternoon, covering the region with 1-6” of snow. Super windy as well. I hurried home from the shop on the front end of the storm, and decided to take a short nap. The nap was proceeding as planned when I was woken by an earthquake. Turns out the epicenter was right in some old stomping/fishing grounds of mine in Idaho. 6.5M. A good one.

Then woke up to icy roads and snow shovel duty. Definitely seems like this is a test. Would snowball fights be OK under social distancing guidelines?

I’m still at the shop packing up online orders and answering calls regarding fishing, flies, rods, lines, etc. If you need to reschedule a guide trip or lodging, make sure and give Julie a call at 406-868-5473 or

Visiting anglers should be aware that Montana has ordered all out of state residents to self-isolate for 14 days after entering the state.

Fishing traffic has slowed on the Missouri River, but there are still a few wade fisherman and even fewer floaters out there. I’m sure the fishing is great. It’ll be a little chilly today and tomorrow, then we see the temperatures climb back up.

Thanks to all who have ordered flies and our 110% Gift Cards! It really helps out, and puts a smile on our face.

Peace. – JA

1 thought on “Can’t make all this s**t up!”

  1. ‘Stay “Thirsty” My Friends’ while your sipping on your Corona’s with lime . . . oh wait, I’ve mixed 2 different Commercials, sorry. But, you get the idea . . . right?
    Keeping those “online-doors” open will quench that “thirst,” so stay as thirsty as reasonably safe! That includes Earthquakes and Spring Snow &/or Hale storms. Speaking of which . . . we here in Spokie didn’t feel the quake but we did get a shortish snow/hale storm (1/4″ size & smaller). Not like the one last August when in another Montana location which I experienced, 1st time ever, Golfball sized hale (my jeeps aluminum hood still carries the scares)!
    Wondering how that 14 day “self isolation for out of Staters” gonna work out? On my honor Judge, I swear I self isolated; I have the porn-movie theatre stubs to prove it . . . ! This whole 19-thing’s turned me into a sex-crazed Trout Bum . . . worse yet it’s SPAWNING Season ! Yikes !

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