Saturday March 21st

Saturday March 21st

Spring in Craig Montana. And in your neighborhood too.

The earliest spring equinox in 124 years. It snuck right past me! Maybe you too?

Sunny Saturday March 21st. 3rd day of Spring. 50F and yes, sunny.

Anglers out on the river breathing fresh spring air.

Enjoy the third day of spring whatever your daily pursuits are. Go outside.

No, the world today is not like it was last spring. The fishing is not the same as it was 20, 30, 40 years ago. There are more people on the hi-ways, on the rivers, babies being born… and so on.

But you can spend your precious life energy worrying and complaining, about how life, work, world health once was. My guess is that you cannot effect a change in the past, or future, no matter how much energy you spend inefficiently.

So use that energy for your family, your passions, reading, moving forward, sucking up the rays of the sun.

Keep your face always towards the sunshine, and the shadows will fall behind you.

Walt Whitman

It’s Spring. Enjoy it.

3 thoughts on “Saturday March 21st”

  1. Thanks for the post..If I wasn’t a 1000 miles away I would be there..Hope to see you folks this summer..

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