#TBT from Headhunters of Craig

#TBT from Headhunters of Craig

The shop when we signed the lease in November 2007.

It has changed a bit since then.

More changes ahead? Of course. We do not believe in static behaviors. That is for the rest.

Staying in one place, in one moment, is for those with no imagination! No drive.

Headhunters believes in fluid motion. Just like trout, rivers, life…

#TBT from Headhunters of Craig.


4 thoughts on “#TBT from Headhunters of Craig”

  1. AAAh OOOw . . . What UP ? I smell a move. but to where ?
    Sure Hope it all works out for the BEST @ HH’s ! This Year ?

      • Good to be reassured in times of uncertainty, thanks, but you did seem to imply “something was amiss! Yes I knew the photo was of the “early years,” almost looks like a ghost town from an early Spaghetti Western, ha. Be seeing you all come early April (11th I think? for a months stay . . . yea!).

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