Of Caddis and Summer


Of Caddis and Summer

50F outside today.

Did some yard work, turned the compost pile, fooled around in the garage with fly gear.

And saw my favorite fly box.

Bought it for a dollar at Bob Ward’s Bozeman 25 plus years ago. A soft sided foamy floater. It called to me.

I keep Squeeky Oar Lock soft hackles, Pat Elam style spent caddis, LaFontaine Buzzballs, patterns associated with the film. Of the Order Trichoptera.

I am dreaming of summer. Totally.

May March Browns, late BWO’s, and Midge. June caddis, PMD’s. July Trico’s and terrestrials. I love summer dry fly fishing.

It will get me out there this week. The temps in the Hi 40’s and maybe crossing over the 50F mark.

A bundle of anglers out on the Holiday Weekend. Fishing reports are on average, poor to decent.

Early 2019 brought us similar air temps and weather patterns. Then February arrived and we dove headlong into the deep freeze for 6 weeks. And the river froze up. Only 18′ of ice in the lower canyon and beyond.

That is pretty tough fishing conditions. So, this week we will all be making a couple casts!

Later this week we have the Spring Special Announcement. Discounted guide trips in March and April along with cheap lodging too! Start thinking about your spring trip to the Mo.

If you are not coming out for springtime fun you either have your summer plans locked in at Headhunters of Craig or are about to make the call. June and July, along with September and October go first. Lodging found here @ CraigLodging.com and the Guide page here.

If you want a summer job get your resume sent off to Mark and Sara. Interviews start this week. We are looking for shuttle drivers, housekeepers, and shop staff. Make Headhunters a part of your daily life..if you dare!

The swing crowd is back out there between wind gusts. It has blown real hard this weekend. That comes packaged along with the warming of daytime temperatures.

Call us up or stop by the store this winter. We are at the ready 8-5 daily.[/vc_column_text]


5 thoughts on “Of Caddis and Summer”

  1. Pat was a legend on the Mo. I still use a 4wt Sage rod he made for me. His flies are awesome. I still have some also. He was a artist with fly tying material.

  2. the magnets always break free on those floaty foam guys, am I right? sand paper/glue time

    i find once the flies are in an actual box their chances of getting tied on and fished go down significantly… they do come out but usually i am fishing flies i tied the same day with a trace of altoids dust on them. there is something special about fishing flies tied eons ago too

    hadn’t looked at your site for years, since I moved away from Missoula… great to see the steady blog posts and etc. still going!

    you guys have a thing or two figured out.

    now reminiscing about hectic times harassing the finny denizens of your stretch there… what a resource, I surely miss it

    happy friday

    • Hey Thanks Michael. I have not had the magnet let loose on the $1 box yet. Lucky I guess. Thanks for checking back in. Yessir, still at it. 5100 posts and going strong. Hope to see you once again on the MO! Happy Friday!

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