Silly Summer Sunday Scenery

Silly Summer Sunday Scenery

John Ewing casting at rising fish this past summer.

John is a non-local local fishing the Missouri River at least a couple times a year traveling from Maine.

A long time Missouri River lover and he today provides our image for Silly Sunday Scenery.

John spent his career behind the lens as a professional photographer. But we love to see him on the other side of the equation.

I think he may too.

Summer will be here, the 2020 version shortly. January will move by and then February and then midge, BWO’s, March Browns, Caddis…

Yes, we are looking that direction right now.

But not until we swing for a couple more months with our two handed rods here on the Mighty Mo. Guide trips out this last weekend  and more to come the remainder of the month! The bite is good, and the fishing is good, and look us up if you head out this way. Shop open daily 8-5.