Thanksgiving 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

Happy Thanksgiving. Here’s hoping you are spending it with your family and friends. If not today, then a memorable sometime in the near future.

We are in a blizzard. Getting kinda used to it. Might be our 9th or 10 snow. This Thanksgiving storm is a doozie!

Travel safely.

We give thanks to you our fishy friends out there. Appreciate you folks daily. Thank you.

Enjoy your weekend. Big sale starting tomorrow. Give us a shout if you need help.

Again, we give thanks.

5 thoughts on “Thanksgiving 2019”

  1. Many thanks and much appreciation for all at HH, enjoy a well deserved day or so off…All the best, dan from ohio

  2. Logging my river notes with great memories and lessons learned from my October trip to the great Missouri and doggone thankful for that. The Soft Hackle lives on….. and The big Miz – what an incredible fishery! Treat her with respect. Overcast here in MI – will be slingin the streamers tomorrow and tying for more action on the Miz!

  3. Hey, Squeaky, how did you get that shot? Gorgeous! A drone? What? Nonetheless, stunning. Happy Holidays. See y’all on the next 45f degree day!

  4. Yo Mo Folks–Even worse just north of you in southern Alberta–2 feet of snow in the foothills –1 on the prairies– minus 25 C –hope you got winter radials and survival gear in your vehicles–see you

    all in April–AmosG

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