2 thoughts on “Veterans Day 2019”

  1. Veterans . . . short stint, longer haul or Retired (20+), and most importantly the Veterans with a Medical Retirement-Discharge . . . all deserving of a Truly Heartfelt Welcome Home and Hug of Thanks. The “why” should be obvious; their sacrifices, large & small, many (and sometimes all) going unnoticed is so not like what made America’s Greatness from the very beginnings of OUR Republic. SO next time, as usual, I will continue to reach out my money filled hand (before I drive off in my comfy Jeep) and wish him or her WELL, while offering a few words of advice too! I do so, daring not to “judge” wether they are or aren’t – they still are “in need”. But today it’s about WE Veterans, of which I am so thankful for being “in the club”. Was a hard life I was leading (to nowhere, so I “joined-up” like 2 of my 3 other brothers. I was a late Military Bloomer (31) when the NAVY was my calling. Twenty years later (52) I was ready to retire, completely . . . but NOT from LIFE ! Look at me now . . . Fly Fishing and finding camaraderie with this new family (of fly fishers). But the NAVY will ALWAYS be my Family, always. Thank You Veterans, comrades, friends . . .
    ps; thanks HH for reposting yesterdays comment . . . I was beginning to feel “unwanted”. After all, you guys are part of my “Morning Coffee Browse”.

  2. Indeed Mark.

    on Armistice Day (UK)

    “…and when you go home, tell them of us and say, for their tomorrow we gave our today.” (Kipling)

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