Face Plant Minnow JAV Video


Face Plant Minnow JAV Video

Appropriate for the weekend snow ahead of us here in downtown Craig Montana.

Tying in the snow, inside. Tying for the streamer season, which has indeed started. Tying because you like to have cool streamer patterns in your box. Tying because it is fun.

This and many other Just Add Vise Kits available online and in store for your tying pleasure. The Just Add Vise Kits include everything you will need to tie about 2 dozen flies. Awesome. All in one kit.

Just dump it out on your tying table and get started. Watch the video, and spin a couple dozen up!

Today we see the Face Plant Minnow. A cool pattern that rides upside down, therefore keeping you out of the weeds. Yes, we love an inverted hook for the Mighty Mo. You may too for your local resource.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/336614604″]


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