3 thoughts on “Sunday Funnies?”

  1. You had to go there? So many options and you had to pick this? Wow, 1968, and I’m 68 . . . so I guess I was 17 when I saw my 1st intro into the possibilities of “self-destruction” of the human race, Hollywood style, . . . and now? Damn you for going there! Damn me for going “here” – 2020, the Trumpster wins big then plays the Doral G.C. PGA Event and wins that too! Holy SheBangs! Of course He “Owns” the Course, . . . so? So, I’m now seeing the Cartoon in 2120, with “The Lady” holding a Big Bertha Driver and the “Golden Haired” young man is not a young Clark Kent and the “Lady” is not Lois Lane! Could she be Melania and he, the “Don”? Think I’m gonna go throw up now . . .

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