Boat Ramp Etiquette FWP Video


Boat Ramp Etiquette FWP Video

Be polite. Be prepared. Don’t block others. So the right thing. Follow the Golden Rule.

All that stuff.

Enjoy your week. Cooler temps here. Feels good.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

1 thought on “Boat Ramp Etiquette FWP Video”

  1. Interesting JULY find . . . ! Your scaring me into thinking, “Crap, we need this reminder in SEPTEMBER?” What kind of “new Inconsiderates” are frequenting Craig of late ? Though there were a few days back in late July Thru August when I saw the “Party Floater Crowds” I must of missed the Ramp-side shenanigans. Guess pulling in after dark has more than one benny !?

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