Thursday Upcoming Missouri River Events Update


Thursday Upcoming Missouri River Events Update

August Fishing Bugs: Trico’s, ants, hoppers, Callibaetis, Caddis, Spruce Moths, beetles. Trico’s steal the show on this one, at least for Headhunters. The afternoons can be filled with good attractor fishing, but not everyday. Mostly dead shit on the water that trout eat. The #1 top water diet of all Mo River trout is dead and decomposing insects. Buzzball Madness.

Full Bins @ HH of Craig: Got the best bugs under the Big Sky. Full bins of all of your much needed flies. 7wt does not take any days off. Running our of flies is not an option. Fly Bin Sardining Madness.

Guide Trips in August: Yep. Anglers book with confidence for our long standing and solid career guide staff. The most consistent teaching guides in the Tri-County area. September coming soon. October dates for BWO fishing. Streamer madness?

Weeds: Not terrible. A 2.5/10. Moving up the scale if the mercury rises too far. Cool nights and not extremely hot days will keep the growth at bay. If not, reefer madness.

Hoppers: Not on fire, but not bad.

Headhunter Dry Fly Line: Great reviews. Happy customers. Cast a smile onto your face with a fly line designed by Headhunters, for Headhunters. Dry Fly Madness

Those damn small BWO things that hatch late in the month: Pseudocloeon. Not yet. But we may have seen some peek out a week ago. Or not. They are coming. Begin the Pseudo Madness.

Crowds: Nope. Weekends yes with fun-flippy-floaty groups. Mid week? Good. Mostly nymphers and some dry fly guys. The upper river is more popular than the lower reaches. 7′ Pink Flamingo Madness.

Headhunters Sub-Surface School: September 26-30. Fishing days 27-29. Three spots left! Get two buddies together and book this educational fish riddled learning weekend raising the bar on y our streamer game as well as your sub-surface nymph attack. A great opportunity to learn from long term Mo River guides about everything that lives under the surface! Call today. Sub-Surface Madness.

Headhunters Shop Hours: 6am-9pm daily. Early rental boats? Yessir. Late shuttles after 5pm? You betcha. Lunch drop off point for Mo River Eats, your local lunch delivery pros. Of course it is. Free Wi-Fi in Craig. Yeah man. Cell coverage too? Well, yes. Jump off spot for Craig Trout Camp and Craig Lodging? You guessed it, yes. Open daylight hours…Friendly Fly Shop Madness

Swing Season: Nearing. We will see more and more Trout Spey rods rise from the corner of the garage in September.We have the latest id Trout Spey Gear along with leading the Spey Education front here in Montana. Whitney Gould, Mike McCune, John Arnold head up our world class teaching staff. You need to get better, we can help. Private Casting lessons, Trout Spey Guide Trips, dozens of Trout Spey demo rods, 100’s of trout spey lines, accessories, gear, knowledge, flies, soft hackles, fly lines and more from Headhunters Trout Spey Fly Labioratory on the Mighty Mo. Cack Handed Madness?

Keep it here for all things Missouri River. Another big event coming soon to Headhunters this fall? Ohh, maybe.

We are proud to be your Entertainment, information, education, and customer service fly shop on the banks of the Missouri River. Downtown Craig Montana.

Call us anytime. We love to talk trout.

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