Friday Future Fly Fishers Matthew Edition

Friday Future Fly Fishers Matthew Edition

Good on you Mathew. Great fish on the Missouri River.

And he got it done with the dry fly. Men, those of you who think that you are not ready for the dry fly, I can tell you that Matthew has no fear. Guide Lindsey Channel can facilitate the process!

This is the time of year, the two month dry fly bonanza, that you should shed the nymph rod, and pick up the dry fly rod. Do it man, it’s good for your constitution.

Take a Kid Caddis Fishing says Lindsey!

I believe there were a few more to the net this past week too.

Matthew will be back.

Future Fly Fishers Rule and Matthew certainly falls into that category. HE has a bright dry fly future!

Great fishing this past month. Great fishing ahead for the next month.

Friday is good. This weekend will be quite busy. Enjoy the sunshine and warm temps. The splash and giggle brigade will be out there alongside the fishermen and women. Respect others. “Turn the other Cheek” is really how we roll. Who someone is not aware, ignorant, or just not all that with it…“Turn the other Cheek.”

You got to man.

Thanks Matthew. Enjoy your summer weekend as well. We will see you back here in 2020 creating more great fry fly fishing stories!

2 thoughts on “Friday Future Fly Fishers Matthew Edition”

  1. Appropriately enough, the admonition to turn the other cheek comes from the Book of Matthew. PDB

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