Monday Morning July 1st Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning July 1st Missouri River Fishing Report

Hooray! July has arrived. All good here in downtown Craig Montana and the river is fishing well.

PMD’s rule the day. And the night. Spinner falls can happen anytime during the day or evening. A great one the past couple evenings. Be on the lookout for the fall that can be anytime during the day.

Cripples, spinners, emergers.

More and more caddis each day. Film flies, in the caddis variety, will do the job. The way the fly sits in the water is key. And a dead drift. That is pretty important.

Tip of the Day: Throw at the fish. Those who try to drift the fly 17′ to the fish often, do not get the fish to bite. Accurate short drifts win. Presentations per minute. PPM. Awful important.

Brown Drakes on the lower river this week ahead.

Trico’s a week or or better.

Until then we will have to enjoy the daily dry fly fishing. Nymphing is good. Mom are in the canyon or at the dam. Long and short will get you there. With or without split shot. PMD and caddis baits are the best. Sows too.

Dry-Dropper a good idea too. Tail a Split Case PMD, Translucent Emerger, Trigger Nymph, S & M, Peep Show and the like. The top fly can be a baby Chubby, Bloom’s Caddis, RIO’s Body Double…

Good things to come here in Craig. A big show coming up this Saturday with 710 Ashbury and The Sleeping Giants on Izaak’s Log Jam late afternoon til dark. A good time, great swag, raffle items, and some fundraising for the Dearborn Fire Department.

See you there for a great BBQ out front of Izaak’s, live music, and dancing this holiday weekend.

Great fun at HH on the 4th of July as well. A fun place to be coming up this week.

710 Ashbury July 6th Izaak's Log Jam

6 thoughts on “Monday Morning July 1st Missouri River Fishing Report”

  1. Mark: planing on 7/13-7/24 on the Mo. The kids sent me a very generous HH gift card. No fly tying this year…..looking to reload the fly boxes, leaders etc.

    Really looking forward to evening fishing and spending a few with my son who is coming in from Olympia.

    Keep the reports and wisdom coming. “Dead Flies Don’t Swim”. Big reach cast right on the nose to get er done.!l

  2. Swinging and some Good Old GD? I’m tempted. Also still need to grab my coffee mug from y’all, Mark. You might see me!

  3. Damn… I wish I could make it up there. Our home rivers are still raging, good clarity is like 8 inches. Jonesing for some noses up… at least we have some good music down here too. Wailers just rolled thru, and Los Lobos on Sunday.

    Rebirth Brass band last night.

    Colleen and I are living through your reports.

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