Missouri River Streamer Short List

The streamer short list today from the fly gurus at Headhunters Fly Shop.

Missouri River Streamer Short List

Swingers have been getting them on Brown Skiddish Smolt, Kreelex, and Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow.

Strippers have been getting them on Brown Skiddish Smolt, Kreelex, and Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow.

As you know, this is only the report. A report comes after the fact.

How about flies for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday? I don’t know, but I’d start somewhere near these three killers.

Less wind today with decent air temps and overcast drizzle skies.

I’d tie on a streamer and go for a slow walk…

1 thought on “Missouri River Streamer Short List”

  1. How’s it going guys. This sparkle minnow has been avoiding me for a while now. I first night one when I was up in Montana for a float. I’ve tried tying them with dubbing loops but the effect is not the same as the body doesn’t breath. The store bought ones seem to have the best look when underwater. So I guess I have two questions for y’all. 1. Have you guys had much luck in tying these? If so, can you let a brother know how you did the body? 2. If you don’t tie them, do you know of a good place to buy these in multiple colors?

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