Tuesday Missouri River Water Update


Tuesday Missouri River Water Update

She’s coming out of the Dearborn River and Little Prickly Pear pretty quickly!

The Dearborn peaked yesterday at 5000+ cfs. It is falling rapidly, and may shake out this week. Although we are gonna have a bit of warm weather starting today. Currently 4460 cfs. Mud? Yep. It will clear soon though. Meaning this week.

Little Prickly Pear is in the 700’s cfs range right now and is also tossing mud into the system. Annual average this time of year is 500cfs below current levels.

Where does this leave us? Well, on the upper river. Those with larger cajones will seek the lower reaches sooner than the rest. I would not hesitate to fish below Wolf Creek. You gotta search out some solace somewhere.

Heading into our favorite period. The peak season is upon us soon. After the first week of June passes we are full speed ahead. If you want a guide or lodging, you are probably  near the back end of the equation.

Call today as operators are standing by waiting to answer your water questions, with guessing and speculation being the primary reasoning devices. A side of historical reference for good measure.

One thing we do know is that the waters will recede and we will be back to normal soon.

We do not know, until maybe later today what the river proper will do. We of course will keep you up to date right here and on our social sites when you watch the information leaders in central Montana and all things Mighty Mo!

The good news? The sun will be out this week with air temp reaching into the 80’s. What will that do to the rest of the snow? Well there is not too much, so again, time will tell. Unless…the map below states we have a bot more than normal, than average for this time of year. That will come off pretty quick this week.

More later on the HH gang of sites…

Summer is Coming. House of Headhunters.[/vc_column_text]


5 thoughts on “Tuesday Missouri River Water Update”

  1. Hello House of Headhunters ! Summer is indeed coming….and my buddy Gary and I are coming June 21-28…..ever hopeful for sub 7000 cfs and PMD action.

    • You’ll get the PMD action, not sure about the sub-7K flows but keep your fingers crossed. We’re betting you’ll have good surface action.

      • Thank you John ! My buddy and I are dry fly fanatics….we know the Mo’ can be a “cruel mistress”…..we have worn out our scumliner videos….fingers crossed and ever hopeful !

  2. “…with guessing and speculation being the primary reasoning devices. A side of historical reference for good measure.”

    Always tellin’ it like it is. Thanks, HH, for your continual lack of bullsh*t. When you don’t know, you admit you don’t know (though in poetic fashion!)

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