The Mid May Missouri River Water Update


The Mid May Missouri River Water Update

Spoke with Stephanie Micek of DNRC yesterday morning. She said about 7K-8K for the remainder of the month.

Unless something like rain, snow, or sun, or warm nights etc…happens.

The lake level is about 75%. Some to fill. The inflows are over 14K. So it is happening. The end run is to fill the lake in the last third of June.

But that is the forecast for the time being. The fish will and have been rising at this water level for the past week or better.

And some days pretty well. March Browns, and BWO’s. Rumors of caddis down low are unsubstantiated. But could be true as well? I have not personally seen them. But 50F is the trigger point for the Mo Day Caddis. We are currently 47F. This weather will keep that number static for a few days or more.

Nymphing? Excellent. Worms, sows, BWO’s, PT’s for the MB’s like the Frenchie will fill out your dredging dance card.

Streamer anglers are getting few big ones to hand. The first streamer angler down the bank wins most of the battles. The 7th streamer god does not fare as well.

Swingers? Not too good really. That is the word. First person info is solid and confirmed. Not terrific. But this is the time of year when you can see a decline in daily catch rates as the fish have moved into all kinds of water with the water temps, bug actions and traffic patterns all morphing daily!

The June water forecast? We think about the same as this month. That is the line we are going with this month, for next month.

We would really like 6K. But that is up in the air. The last water projection, May,  looks like this below. Will it be? Maybe? Probably?

Caddis Fest wrapped up. Squeeky is back to daily inane blathering about the Mighty Mo. Needed to focus not he event. Missed a few days of blogging. Felt pretty good to me. How was it for you? [/vc_column_text]


5 thoughts on “The Mid May Missouri River Water Update”

  1. I do, too.

    And I live in Helena!

    Love the daily update. My favorite site after “What the F*ck Happened Today?”

  2. p.s. I just love your “Summer Is Coming” mahseer t-shirt. Carpe carpium! Such great graphic design and typography. And what an illustration. So much wit and talent packed into that little shack in downtown Craigopolis.

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