Headhunters 11th Birthday is today April 4th

Headhunters 11th Birthday is today April 4th

photo: Jess McGlothlin Media

It all started in a Tiki Bar in the lower Florida Keys. This idea. The fly shop idea.

Everyone of ours said exactly the same thing upon hearing this idea.

Are you out of your f***ing minds? You know there are already two fly shops in Craig?

So based on that positive feedback we opened the doors on April 4th 2008.

11 years later. Today. Here we are. Still. We’d love to enjoy another 11.

Our original mission statement was Information, education, and customer service. It has changed to include one more word. It now stands at Entertainment, information, education, and customer service.

Those are our core beliefs. We stand strongly behind them as we open the doors today.

We thank all of our readers, fly shop friends, guided clients, and guests. We thank you for your support yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Thanks. You made this birthday possible.

We don’t really want to thank those who stop in the shop to use the Bathroom. Only. The bathroom only. I suggest visiting the other two shops. They have bathrooms too.

We thank our longtime staff. Julie quit her secure landscape design job to come quarterback John and Mark’s new fly shop. Thanks Julie. You are the glue that holds us together. Your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed. Thank you.

Sara has been with us for 10 of the 11. Thanks Sara. She has glue like qualities as well. Sara remembers almost every customer. Brilliant. Thanks Sara. Appreciate you daily!

Ninch. 9 years and headed into his 10th. Ninch orchestrates the most complete and deeply stocked fly selection on the entire river. Strong Ben. Strong. Not only do we thank Ben, the fly buyers of the Missouri River universe do too. #7wt

Ben Hardy. Headhunters lead guide. 11 years. Ben was with Headhunters April 4th 2008. We met Ben in the Florida Keys so he did not understand the community, the dusty road Craig culture, and that he was supposed to be afraid of our local competition. Thanks Ben. Love you bro.’ Ben has done every job imaginable for Headhunters. Original shop staff, carpenter, fly tyer, guide, soothsayer, mindreader, confidant, small engine repair expert, shuttle driver. Ben is still not afraid.

Many of the HH gang beyond the core staff has been here quite awhile too. None as long as those above, and we thank all of them. Jim, Marty, Nichole, Braden, Max, Dewey, as well as some great longterm guides including Kurt, Brett, Beth, Eric, Lindsey, and more.

We head into our 11th year with the focus on the customer. The experience. Not expanding our focus, but continually narrowing it. We just want to do what we do everyday, better. That is our singular focus. We don’t fish lots of rivers, take guests on travel trips, or any of that stuff. We are focused on one river, with one goal. To help you with your Missouri River experience.

We are passionate about making that a goal for both parties.

We continue to give generously to 4 groups: Women and children, veterans, Craig VFD, and conservation efforts. Upon these 4 we focus our giving.

We thank you again for supporting Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service. Stop in and introduce yourself. We’d love to meet you.

Thanks to our fantastic fly shop  and guide staff. We are not celebrating today with out you. That includes you the customer. We are not writing this today without you either. It takes all of us friends. All of us.

Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. We give many thanks…



17 thoughts on “Headhunters 11th Birthday is today April 4th”

  1. Happy birthday…you guys are great!.. and your business plan of embracing people over profits is why you have succeeded.

  2. Great shop! Great people! And after reading this blog post, I am really impressed! What a positive and thoughtful business philosophy.

  3. Happy Birthday HH Crew! I’m 99 and 44/100’s percent sure that my experience and knowledge of the Missouri wouldn’t be what it is without you guys!

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Well played, boys and girls! You be the ROCK of the Mo. I appreciate especially your teaching/sharing attitude and skill. Congratulations.

  5. Thanks HH staff for making the Canadians feel welcome…great service and advice always…
    Look forward to July FF school with you guys.
    Greg J.

  6. Happy Birthday, Mark and Sarah. Can’t believe it’s been 12 years. Holy cow. Thankful for fly shops and people like you that care about the watershed and the resource. Nobody has paid their dues to a river like Mark has paid to the Mo. You deserve all your success. Hugs and kisses from Peru.

  7. Congratulations! Can’t thank you all enough for all of the great service, education, and memories over the years. You’re the best!

  8. We LOVE Headhunters. You certainly have accomplished everything and so much more of your mission. Your incredibly FUN fly shop has always been our Go To when we arrive in Montana. You all make us feel at home and welcome. The entire staff is top notch!! We’ll be seeing you in a couple of weeks and we hope you have an opening Ben Hardy… we’ll be in touch. Happy Birthday Headhunters! Love you man.

  9. Happy Birthday & Best Wishes HH crew! It is always a great experience returning each year to fish with you. I feel privileged! I’ve learned a ton! Thank you.

  10. Your Mission Statement, you’re nailing it!! Congrats on the 11 years!

    Mark, on a personal note, great to have you back. John was to scared to turn on comments….. like we might say things….

  11. The info you give for the river is the best in the business. Its what keeps me coming back to your shop. You do it right and people notice.

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