Saving Grayling Vid


Saving Grayling Vid

A cool mid-week vid from the Centennial Valley near the boarder in Montana.

Squeeky’s dad spent 3 summers working on this project. Enjoyed it. Said that everyone should take the drive into this stunning place.

And yes, the headwaters of the Mighty Mo start in this neighborhood. So the waters you view in this video runs downstream, to the hallowed Missouri River waters.

Enjoy the vid. Spiring is here. Fishing is good. Montana is good. Grayling are good.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

2 thoughts on “Saving Grayling Vid”

  1. Great video…a few dedicated folks making a significant difference …it’s a good lesson for us all

  2. Awesome area. Have spent a ton of time there. Glad to see their efforts are getting positive results.

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