Soul Sunday Marvin Gaye What’s Going On


Soul Sunday Marvin Gaye What’s Going On

Could listen to this Marvin Gaye song over and over.

Great message. Social commentary, not social media,  from Marvin Gaye that still holds water.

Soul Sunday here on the Headhunters Blog.

Cool and drizzling on the river today.

Spring has sprung. Lots of anglers out there. Still no access to the lower river boat ramps. Maybe next week.

Enjoy March Madness if you are so inclined. Tie flies. Clean fly lines. Clean all of your gear. I bet your rod and reels need a bit of attention too.

Just don’t get reel lube on the couch. It stains forever![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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