Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Spring is here.

Friday Goto.

Squeeky having problems with the BBQ charcoal. An early Headhunters Free BBQ. This one legendary of course because this is the moment that Adair realized that her fathers business partner is not too smart.

Nothing has changed since this 2010 Friday Foto.

Enjoy your weekend. We will be fishing our asses off. In the sun.

Our first free BBQ is coming. Probably in April.

My appetite is increasing as the days get longer.

See us soon. Spring Special Guide Trips $400. Cheap lodging too.

3 thoughts on “Friday Foto”

  1. I don’t see a real problem? Looks like my backyard bbq. Nothing exploded so what’s the big deal. Grab a beer and toast the sunset. Just keep Adair
    away from Mark.

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