2019 Missouri River Summer Water Forecast Update


2019 Missouri River Summer Water Forecast Update

The shot above represents the drainage of the Missouri River here in Craig Montana. A big area. No?

All looking up here in central Montana.

Except for the air temperatures. Those will continue to be down.

Snow depths have increased during the previous 3 weeks. Lots? No. Some? Yes.

Not as desperate an outlook as we were looking at a month ago. We were not in trouble, but it was looking like a leaner water year.

2019 Missouri River Summer Water Forecast Update
Missouri River Water Projection 2019

Too early to tell either way but we prefer to hedge our water bet as opposed to taking the alternate route. We may end up with an average water year. And that would be just fine. We are always just hoping goer average water. Low water years take more than one year to recover. The gains we can achieve with a good higher water year can also be devastated by a Lowe water year that may follow.2019 Missouri River Summer Water Forecast Update

OK check out the graphs and tables and  such. It shows us that we are on track for an average water year. If it keeps snowing we may very well have a better than average dry fly season ahead of us.

Here we are below with our Year To Date water map. Green and blue. We like blue.

2019 Missouri River Water Projection

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3 thoughts on “2019 Missouri River Summer Water Forecast Update”

  1. Clark Canyon Reservoir at 89.5% full. That’s impressive this early in the year. Bodes well for water storage for later in the year!

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