Hump Day Winter Forecast

Hump Day Winter Forecast

A winter weather pattern has descended upon us here in central Montana.

Finally. Snow a couple ties this past week spitting a couple inches each storm. Today up to 5″. Or 3″ or 2″. And the wind will distribute the snow as it sees fit.

The snowpack in the greater scheme of things is increasing. It really does not matter what is happening here locally with the snow. We are more concerned with the southern portion of the state. That is where our summer water comes from.

But, snow here does put us in a better mood. We like water.

Long talks yesterday amongst the staff here at HH HQ and we believe that the summer water forecast will be lower. We know it is too soon to predict anything.  So that is why we predict lower water and more dry flies.

April, May, and June could be sick!

Cold in our neighborhood. The phone is ringing at the shop with spring and summer bookings. In the next week we will announce our fly fishing schools for the 2019 season. Hint: It falls right into our namesake. Headhunters…

Remember we have Headhunters Annual Spring Special Guide Trips starting March 15th running through April 30th. $400 Guide Trips!

5 thoughts on “Hump Day Winter Forecast”

  1. Hi Mark,
    My good friend Sandy is coming out to fish in September (September 9 and 11 for guides) and wants to see if he can book you for two days. You and Chris Yamamoto floated with Sandy to Mid Canon once. Also needs logding for a few days September 8 arrive September 13 depart. Just wanted to touch base he will be calling you tomorrow.

    • Thank you, Mark–please tell Chris I said hello and I’m glad to hear he’s back around Craigway again. I was wondering if you know whether that restaurant that was boat accessible only on Holter Lake is still there and open. Certainly if you prefer not to respond in this venue just use my private e-mail.

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