Curt McChesney Memorial

Curt McChesney Memorial

Curt was a feller that liked everybody, and was liked by all.

Fishing and guiding around Curt was always a pleasure.

My day was always better when I saw and had interaction with Curt on the water. Always made my day better. Always.

Curt was one of those guides that I always enjoyed seeing. You know the people that you just inherently love but don’t know why? Curt is that guy. Then you get to know Curt a little better and you recognize why.

True to his soul. It runs deep. Genuine. Honest. Awesome. Fun. Funny. Caring.

We met Curt here in Craig. He and Peggy were here fishing and having fun. I don’t know if Curt was guiding the first time we met him, but learned later that he was a guide.

I was getting guided by a friend on a southern Montana river and he was telling me stories about Curt and his fire career. He had respect for Curt in the fire world. Curt spey 35 years in the Missoula Arena fighting fire.

McChesney was liked by folks all over Montana. He was well liked in the fishing industry and respected by everyone I knew.

Curt was polite on the water. That is huge amongst guides. Huge.

We, I, did not know Curt that well. But we did know we loved him.

And we’ll miss him.

Here’s to clean powder filled lines and calm waters Curt.


You can click here and help Peggy McChesney on this GoFundMe site.

4 thoughts on “Curt McChesney Memorial”

  1. Had the pleasure of meeting Curt while heading out on the Blackfoot with Mark last summer. After a brief introduction we fished on and I though what a cool dude. Few days later I was camping / wade fishing Russel Gates on our way back to the coast, Curt was taking out after a day guiding, he remembered me, offered me a few of his hand tied fly’s, and invited me round his camp site for a beer. A very cool dude indeed. RIP

  2. Curt was one great person to know, and be around any time any where. I enjoyed working with him on the Payette NF back in the day. It was sad to here of his passing “Jumper Away!”

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