Winter Solstice, Cold Moon, and Meteor Shower


Winter Solstice, Cold Moon, and Meteor Shower

Friday 21 December. The shortest day of the year. We are crossing the line as we publish this daily blog.

Friday Foto Summer Solstice Love! This is an image used as the banner for a month this summer. HH Head Guide Ben Hardy hooked up in late June with a PMD eater. June will be here in 2 flash casts! While the winter has been mild, we are looking forward to summer time Headhunting!

But today is the Winter Solstice. Back to reality…

Check out the cold moon, the Ursids Meteor Shower and get ready for Santa.

What does this day mark for us here at Headhunters? A bunch really. It means the short late fall and early winter period is over. Rest time has evaporated quickly. Per Usual. Faster every year right?! After this holiday passes by us we are ramping up fr the new year, the fishing season will be upon us rapidly. Book your trips today. I see the emails back and forth with many anglers booking. The phone is ringing. It is happening.

It is also Aloha Friday. No work til Monday Wedensday. Mele Kalikimaka!

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