New Breed Chicks Rule Debbie Edition


New Breed Chicks Rule Debbie Edition

Debbie and DC just finished up Headhunters 3rd Annual Advanced Fly Fishing School session 1.

Debbie caught the big fish of the week on a short leash nymph drifting it in front of a likely holding lie in front of a rock. Pillow water! Brown Trout Love Pillow Water!

We enjoyed our visit with both Debbie and DC as they attended this last year as well. Fishing Monday continuing their fishing trip to the Mo with Max of HH for more fun.

Good dry fly action this last week with the overcast. Good action as well in the high and bright sun that we are forecast for this week ahead. That snow forecast drifted away.

Cool this morning with air temps dropping below freezing showing 28F! Cold! I’m sure it will get cooler as the month moves along.

Make your last minute plans for the weeks ahead fishing with Headhunters here in downtown Craig.

Thanks Debbie for showing us the Brown Trout and gracing the pages of the Headhunters Blog with your edition of New Breed Chicks Rule![/vc_column_text][us_grid columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=”ASC” ids=”29792, 27200, 14608, 9048″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

4 thoughts on “New Breed Chicks Rule Debbie Edition”

  1. Yup, was all over the Skittles as well. Thinking maybe the advanced school might be experimenting with different colors under the bobber

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