2FER Tuesday Tailwater Sow Bug HH Fly Shop Weekly Fly BOGO


2FER Tuesday Tailwater Sow Bug HH Fly Shop Weekly Fly BOGO

This fly rules. The Tailwater Sow Bug is one of our top 5 sellers at Headhunters of Craig Missouri River Super Shop. It is attached to most nymph rigs all year ’round. Honest.

The tungsten beaded version will get that fly down to the fish. Use it for the top fly on your Missouri River Short Leash Rig. OR try tow beaded flies to get the attention of our plentiful rainbow trout.

The non-beaded version sells as well as any other fly in the store. Rainbow Czech and. Tailwater Sow. The dirt snake and a Tailwater Sow Bug. A crawfish and a Tailwater Sow. A Tailwater Sow and a Tailwater Sow? All good all the time man.

Today, Tuesday, here offered online only the Tailwater Sow Bug is half price. 50% off. Buy One Get One Free. BOGO. Cheap my fishy friends. Inexpensive too.

Fill up your online cart with a cupful of the Tailwater Sow along with T’s, Just Add Vise Kits, and any fly fishing gee-gaw you desire.

Make sure to use the Coupon Code TWSOWBOGO. This will ensure your BOGO success.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=”” ids=”29558, 29597, 30834, 11082″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]