Reach Cast Video Scumliner Media Classics


Reach Cast Video Scumliner Media

A Headhunters Classic.

Timely information. Water is dropping. Fish are looking upwards.

You don’t have to bring a reach cast to the Mo. But you do have to bring some sort of slack line presentation style. Or not.

Mad Reach Cast Style is important here.

That straight line BS does not fool as many trout fishing the Missouri River.

Accuracy is kind of a big deal too.

Those who practice those kind of things do better when they arrive at the show.

As Lead Guide Ben Hardy always saysWhen fishing the Missouri you don’t practice on the run, or even towards rising fish. This time is not for practice, it’s the Show! 

He’s right. Practice at home. Employ those casting and presentation skills during your stay.

It’s the Show! 

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