Dry Fly Eater Friday Foto

Dry Fly Eater Friday Foto

The day is Friday. The blog post is Friday Foto. The topic is Birds.

Squeeky’s favorite Friday topic.

Don’t know what kind of bird it is. But I do know he was plucking bugs from the water. In direct competition with the trout.

Nature. Wonderful.

Dropping water today. Hooray.

More dry fly action on the way. Clean your fly lines. You will be happy. It always makes me smile!


8 thoughts on “Dry Fly Eater Friday Foto”

  1. Spotted sandpiper! These guys are all over the river banks, even on weed mats occasionally. You’ll see them bobbing their tail up and down as the forage for tasty invertebrates along the shore. Squeeky, I need to take you on a birding float!

  2. It is an adult spotted sandpiper, their extensive summer rage goes all the way up through the western Canadian and into the southern half of Alaska.
    A nice App for your phone is “ibird” or “Merlin Bird ID by Cornell University”

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