Vacation: Dirty Heads Video


Vacation: Dirty Heads Video

You don’t like what you are doing…change it.

You can control your life. You can choose the outcome. You can. You are in control.

Saw the Dirty Heads Friday night in Missoula along with Pacific Dub, Movement and Iration. Just awesome. Live music is good for your soul. Dancing too.

You don’t like what you are doing? Change it.

For all the youth in the reading audience my suggestion is to follow a life path you design. No longer do you have to follow the status quo. That is for your parents generation.

It applies to fishing too…

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9 thoughts on “Vacation: Dirty Heads Video”

  1. I booked my July drift boat rental yesterday and this video gets posted today…as a high school teacher, all I can say is โ€œtruthโ€…and see you in a few weeks. Great timing (another parallel between life and fly fishing)

  2. Note to self: Do NOT show this video to my two college-aged, almost-ready-to-graduate sons who want to be a Wall Street financier and a doctor, respectively…Let’s let me be the lone hobo of the family!

      • Aren’t we all? I want to live in my parents basement with no bills, food in the fridge, laundry service, and free wifi. Oh, and fishing and tying all day….

    • It’d be a vacation if baby boomers like you didn’t make everything so expensive, that we have to cherish every moment like were on vacation. But yes let’s keep talking shoy about millennial who had no control over anything til recently ๐Ÿ˜‚ Get a life and stop blaming the kids your generation raised. How about taking responsisbilites for the things you did, or more to the point, the things you didn’t do but want to blame us for โœŒ Get the fuck off line and go make a difference instead of bitching.

      • I’m with ya Ashley. I wasnt trying to blame or bitch. If I could hit the reset button, I’d be working the counter in a fly shop in a small western town instead of sitting in a cubicle from 9 to 5. Like the song and the OP said, make and do whatever it is you’re dreaming of doing.

  3. I was custom home builder for 30 years but always wanted to be a fly fishing guide in Montana. The collapse of the housing market was the best thing that ever happened to me. It gave me a reason to follow my passion. I’d do what I do for free but, don’t tell my clients.
    See you tomorrow Mark! We depart Bozeman at 5:00am. 3 boats headed your way with a pack of Argentinians.

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