Aguas de Marco Elis Regina


Aguas de Marco Elis Regina

Waters of March.

That is where we are at. Higher at 6.7K  cfs and the fish have spread out a bit. Certainly tougher to find. Smaller sweet spots.

Streamer anglers have been finding a few though. Bigger and blacker seems to be one of the tips overheard at Headhunters this last weekend. Lots of anglers out there swinging, stripping, and looking for heads. A few of them out there too, but don’t hold your breath.

Ridding the reservoir of water in anticipation of some of that snow coming off front end of this week before we flirt with late winter storms upcoming towards the end of the week.

The Dearborn still blowing some mud into the river.

This version of Aguas de Marco is worthy. Elis nails it. Of course a tune by Antonio Carlos Jobim.

Waters of March runs through my head whilst swinging.

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