Missouri River Midges


It is that time of year. Midges are here.

They have been here for a few weeks. But the slush and cold and wind have kept us from the water.

Looks like February heading into March may bring us some milder weather.

A few of the HH gang heading out this week. Derek was out yesterday. Ben and Sara and Kurt were out a couple weeks ago during a break in the weather.

The boat ramps are questionable with the wind drifts and such. Check your take out before sliding that drifter across the shelf ice.

And look for some midges out there.

The swingers were in and out of the store Saturday with success stories. The word on the bite was strong. Leeches. Solidi grabs with some nice big winter fish.

Spring is nearing.


2 thoughts on “Missouri River Midges”

  1. Hank patterson would tell you what you have going on is a morgy. I would get that fly pattern in a few different sizes and and put them in those new fly bins. They would sell like hawgadawgadaws.

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