UMOWA plans Streambank Restoration @ Prickly Pear

UMOWA plans Streambank Restoration @ Prickly Pear

Ed Note: This just in from UMOWA. Their first stream bank project on the Missouri River. Progress from our local watershed group. Congrats. Look forward to seeing more projects like these here on the MO!

Upper Missouri River Watershed Alliance has completed plans for a full restoration of the streambank from the Wolf Creek bridge down to Prickly Pear creek. We commissioned Alan McClean, a noted bank restoration project designer, to create a plan for the project that would gain approval from the landowner, Northwestern Energy, Fish, Wildlife and Parks and UMOWA. The plan has been approved and finalized by all parties and the project will take place on May 4, 5, and 6, 2018.

The project will consist of putting in approximately 225 native plants, shrubs and trees. These will be planted in approximately six separate enclosures along this stretch of the bank. In addition, a five-strand barbed wire fence will be installed with access points to the river for livestock. There is NO plan for any boulders, rock or rip rap.

UMOWA is proud of the fact that we have elicited support from many aspects of the community including businesses, the Helena Boy Scout Council, guides and outfitters, and numerous volunteers. We envision that this will be the first of many future projects of this nature.

We would welcome your support in this effort!! If you would like to volunteer reach out and let us know. Contact us at or call Alan directly at 406-995-2792.

3 thoughts on “UMOWA plans Streambank Restoration @ Prickly Pear”

  1. Congratulations , great work planned . We started similar projects 30 years ago with the Henry’s Fork Foundation in Idaho with great success .
    Everyone needs to get onboard with UMOWA .

  2. Great work by UMOWA ! We began similar restoration with the Henry’s Fork Foundation 30 years ago with great results .

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