Smith River Turnout Helena Scoping Meeting

Smith River Turnout Helena Scoping Meeting

Good turnout Monday evening. Lots of attendees. Some interesting points brought up to the DEQ. All surrounding ground water, bonding, economics, and the like.

It is not a popularity contest at these events so it really does not matter how many folks cheer. Most importantly is the request for the DEQ to study what you want them too. That is what there are for.

You too can and should voice your opinion of what you want the DEQ to study. Why not. Put in your two cents.

Link here below, or write a letter and send it off USPS. Your chance to speak.

Here is how you comment below

Scoping comments may be submitted at one of the public meetings, electronically, or by postal mail to the following address:
Craig Jones
Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901

Questions on the environmental review may also be directed to Craig Jones electronically or 406-444-0514. Comments must be submitted to DEQ no later than November 16, 2017.

DEQ will not accept comments that are threatening, defamatory, libelous, slanderous, or discriminatory in nature.

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