Now What?

Squeeky is out of town for the week on a well deserved rest, so I’m being pulled back into the blogging duties. Hopefully that will be a good thing.

You may have (or may have not) noticed that I haven’t posted on the blog in a while. Like in a couple of months. You also haven’t seen me on FB or in the Twitterverse. Or in the shop. I haven’t been creating any content, and I haven’t been consuming any, either. Just been a ghost.

Q: So where’ve I been?

A: Remodeling a 100 year old house that Julie and I purchased last fall.

Knowing I would need to devote my energies full time to the construction project, I decided to use it as an excuse to de-internet my brain. 7 straight years of web design, blog and social media development, content creation, video and photo editing (along with helping others with their e-marketing projects) began to get a little old. I was feeling pretty nerdy. Virtually.

So, Mark has bolted for the week (which won’t be enough to de-internet his brain), and left instructions for me to keep things on the internet rolling.

I’m going to start with this sweet pic I took of Ninch while he and I were floating the Ronde with Ben Hardy and Rob Kessler last fall. The last pic on my camera and the last time I was fishing. Nice!

But here’s my problem. I have no clue what’s going on in the fly fishing world! So help me out. Throw me a few subjects to get the electrodes firing. Use the comments below for some ideas.



15 thoughts on “Now What?”

  1. How about a blog on the wind on the river?  How it affects the fisherman when it is blowing from various directions and speeds.  For example when it blows from the North versus West. Perhaps what sections to avoid in various wind conditions..    Does Simms have wind gauge attachment for their waders?

  2. Can we cover the best tying books and video must haves for the new tyers heading into the spring season and may er the top ten must have patterns to tie before the spring season

  3. One of my favorites was the one you did a while ago about fishing eggs. Also, i havn’t seen anybody do anything crazy in that blue drfit boat in a while. Ha

  4. John,
    How about a short tutorial on winter nymph fishing techniques. How to fish that deep, slow, inside -curve water?

  5. It was about how you don’t fish eggs (except when your by yourself or with your daughter). Ha, for real, that’s what you said.

  6. The best ways to sin and grin while wading. Cigars: long or short, come to the river pre cut or just bite off the tip?  How do you keep ash off your 500$ waders and puffy down?  Best way to keep a cigar from stinking up your tweed jacket? Do you store beers in your waders or put them under a rock to get cold? Skip all that and sip from a carabiner looped nalgene on your wading belt? Opposed to the camelback full of hooch or is that reserved for the gear guys? Do you draw straws to DD to and from the river or just set up a rotation so it’s even? A lot of a sin and grin while fishing, I just want to be sure  I am doing it the correct way!

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