New Breed Chicks Rule Blackfoot River Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Blackfoot River Edition

Shalom with her first trout that wasn’t a dink on a dry fly! This cool Cutty fell for a Trina’s Carnage Purple Hopper Monday below River Junction.

Marty and Shalom were out this last week fishing the Mo. The trip to the other side of the mountains was the hi-light this venture across the Pacific pond from there North Shore of Oahu.

The Missouri River proved to be difficult this time with high daytime temps and weeds hindering the nymph bite. They did not fish above Craig. What they did find was some solace and quiet! And they fished terrestrials to stay above the subsurface noise.

They spent an afternoon on their way back to the west coast camped not he Blackfoot too. A fun place to be for sure. Don’t overlook this jewel when traveling out to Montana.

Shalom does rule! New Breed Chicks Rule Blackfoot River Edition.