Great Beer Advertising Rainier Beer Montana Edition!


Great Beer Advertising Rainier Beer Montana Edition!

The first time I stepped in Joe’s Bar with Shaun Thompson and Erich Bittmann asking what was on tap…I was shocked.

We had driven 12 hours across two states and the two beers on tap at the Craig Bar were…Oly and Rainier.


While I have endured lots and lots of both I now prefer something watery and weak like Coors Light. As you can see my taste for beer has not matured much. I was an ardent Budweiser drinker for many years. And was at that time as well. I do remember ordering a bottle of Bud and a Crown rocks.


Then the most remarkable thing happened when we decided to head back out fishing to the Mighty Mo. Uncle Joe asked if we would like a couple to go. “To go?” I asked.

Yeah. A couple roadies. “Well yes I would.” A beer and a blend. To go.


Back to the Rainier Beer ads. Tons of them in the 70’s and 80’s as I grew up in the green state of Washington. Much before the Microsoft, Amazon, and tech world explosion. More of a quiet beer drinking fishing and hunting society.

This one is classic and of course includes a Montana theme.

Enjoy your weekend with a half rack of Rainier.


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4 thoughts on “Great Beer Advertising Rainier Beer Montana Edition!”

  1. Ahhh. Nostalgia. Anyone remember when they sold Light, LightLight and Not So Light? $2 a six pack or $7.50 a case. Remember the kid who wouldn’t drink Not So Light cause he got too drunk??
    He went to Stanford and became an engineer. I’m here, trying to decide if I’ll use a pink foam hopper or a purple foam hopper today. Or a chubby. And speaking of nostalgia, does anyone remember when a chubby was a CHUBBY?! Oh well. Fish hard today, drive safe and slow down at all the Beer Crossings.

  2. Thanks for posting the video. It’s been years since I’d seen a wild Rainiers commercial. They were a part of Seattle that’s now long gone.

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