Silly Sunday Scenery Paul Taylor Release Image

Silly Sunday Scenery Paul Taylor Release Image

Long time clients of 18 years Paul Taylor releasing this nice fat Spruce Moth caught rainbow on Saturday morning.

Lots of non-local locals here as we reach the mid month mark. The water is down to 3900cfs and the water temps are warm. Fish early and fish late.

Good PMD spinner falls can bolster the very good Trico spinner falls and do not forget that the caddis are out there. Better caddis than in a few years. Skittering about in the morning, noon, and night.

Pressure falls of in about a week. If you want some silence, head on out. The weeds are growing and are in the river. But no complaints from the anglers.

Good times on the Mo for sure.

See you on the dry fly flats of Montana’s Missouri River.

Happy Sunday.