Friday Foto American Eagle Edition

Friday Foto American Eagle Edition

Happy 4th of July Weekend. It’s a big one here on the Mo.

Partying? Yep. Fishing too. Full speed ahead as we move through the weekend into Moday and the 4th Tuesday. Have not decided about the 4th of July Party. Food yes. Fireworks? Some, but it may be slow again this year. Last year on a Monday night John, Mark, and Danielle along with Dewey and Braden sat on the porch surrounded by total silence and closed early at 8pm?

It was strange. Then got home before the earth exploded.

This year the 4th is on the Tuesday night. Will Craig rage after dark? Yes. But before dark? No, it may not. Remains to be seen.

We will do some sort of activity to celebrate. But might be low key-ish. We have thrown some big party’s on the 4th. Big ones. Sooo….probably on the 3rd. A BBQ and some light hilarity. Izaak’s is closed on Monday’s. Stop in for a quick free bite and say hello.

Enjoy the Holiday Weekend. Be safe. Enjoy friends.

Eagles are cool. They flank the riversides and eat dead fish.

Sounds pretty good to me.



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