Mellow Monday, Craig MT, and BBQ Tonight!

Mellow Monday, Craig MT, and BBQ Tonight!

Hello and good morning from Craig Montana. All is well here on the Mighty Missouri River as we approach the Summer Solstice. Fishing is quite goo, the water is high, and we see dry flies in our daily travels.

And more of all that to come. PMD’s, Caddis, and soon Trico’s will fill the air for all day DFO action. And the water should begin to recede today. Or very soon. I will put in a call to the water managers and get the real-time update and pass it on to you folks right here on this very blog and our additional social networks.

Not a ton of boats out today as we may be enjoying our last day of some sort of solace before the next month is upon us. certainly the busiest time on the Mo. By a long shot. Nad for good reason. Strong fishing. Were will see many of our long time friends and acquaintances as the non-local locals arrive as well as new faces too. We like t see all of you smiling and smile you will.

Big BBQ tonight at Headhunters starting later this afternoon. Dogs and Burgers will get you through while Izaak’s is closed on Monday’s.

A quick hit list of Missouri River facts and tips follow…

  • The water is high. Not too high.
  • Dry fly yes. Nymph yes.
  • Boat yes.
  • Wade fishing not so much.
  • Cripples, emergers, spinners.
  • Skittering caddis yes.
  • Streamers? Yep.
  • Canyon Ferry Lake Levels site
  • Izaak’s hours daily ‘cept Mondays til 9pm. Take an early evening break and fuel up. Then head back out for your evening session.
  • Joe’s Bar daily 8-2am.
  • Papa’s daily 7am til ?
  • Lodging
  • Headhunters open daily early, and til at least 9pm. Shuttles, guides, info, all the killer flies, and demo rods.
  • Headhunters has tons of rental gear like rods, waders, life jackets, boats, and more.
  • Big junk-like flies for your lead fly. Small tiny bugs you cannot see as the second. Use split shot. Could you short-leash?
  • Put on early and/or put on late. That would be my plan.
  • Be courteous out there. Respect wade fishers water too. Those fellers walk in and if you are a boat angler you have lots of river. Don’t crunch those dudes. And, if you are a wade fisher, when you walk in on a boat angler and crunch him…well that is your fault. Respect other folks water. I know it is busy out there, but the Missouri is a BIG RIVER. Challenge yourself to find some new water. It’s all good ‘bro. A blog from a concerned citizen here.
  • If you find a Whitefish skewered on your vehicle antenna, you know you got too close. I saw that once at Pelican Point twenty years ago…
  • The water will come down. 6K cfs is the magic number for wade fishermen. Below 8K the fish will rise wildly! Let’s hope we can keep summer flows at or above 5K cfs. That would be awesome. I bit more territory to fish, better rising fish depth, a lot better for the health of the resource.
  • Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance meeting went well Saturday night. Donate today to your favorite river and help this resource.
  • Check us out on all kinds of social avenues…Headhunters Facebook, Headhunters Instagram, and Twitter.
  • For more moving pictures of trout fishing mania check out our Vimeo Page.

Thanks for following the only updated and daily information source on the great trout fishery on earth. We appreciate you the reader and angler. Current information is clutch. Stop in the mother ship in downtown Craig Montana when you arrive on the Missouri River this summer. Can’t wait to meet you!

BBQ Tonight @ Headhunters


Ed Note: This just in as we go live on this post. Water levels coming down the next couple days to 10K. As reported by an un-substantiated trout fishing media outlet we will not be having flushing flows of 14K-16K in the next couple weeks. The truth here @ HH. Research is how you get the correct info…

Flows falling 500cfs twice today the 19th, and twice tomorrow the 20th. 



3 thoughts on “Mellow Monday, Craig MT, and BBQ Tonight!”

  1. Just back from a Smith float followed by a quick over night (2 float) visit to the Mo. Gotta say that I love the big water:
    1. Spreads everyone out
    2. Fills the channels that offer variety and solitude (and fish)
    3. Creates incredible backwater opps for pods – at least we found pmds and rising fish along all leeward banks
    4. Flushes sediment build-up down river – better bugs are the result
    5. Helps the ranchers and farmers in the watershed

    When I started fishing the Mo 20 years ago I used to be bummed when the levels went up above 8k. I quickly learned that high water levels are better embraced than feared. It was a joy to be able to see river bottom (and fish) after 5 days of chocolate

  2. Enjoyed the bbq Monday! A great way to end a great trip on the mo. Thanks for the burgers and beer. See you for tricos and hoppers in a month or so…

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