2017 Craig Caddis Festival Photo Gallery


2017 Craig Caddis Festival Wrap Up

Last Saturday, Craig hosted the 11th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off. This year, the weather cooperated (it only poured rain for a little bit) and the turnout was great! The official count is still pending, but over $10,000 dollars was raised for the Craig Volunteer Fire Department.

Simms, MFC, and G. Loomis were set up outside of Headhunters. It is always great having the good folks representing those businesses in town for one of the funnest days in Craig!

Thanks to everybody who came out! We hope you all had a good time and ate some good BBQ.

Here are some images captured during the event for you to enjoy this Sunday.

The Caddis Festival is always the third Saturday in May (same day as the small stream opener). Hopefully we will see many of you next year![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

2017 Craig Caddis Festival Photo Gallery

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