Saturday Missouri River Fishing Update

Saturday Missouri River Fishing Update

Flows stable at 7020 cfs. Higher water means learning for not only the trout but anglers too.

Some have state that the fishing is not too good. Not consistent is the word from us here at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig. Tough others would say. You gotta hunt for them in the new watery world.

Lots of bugs out yesterday in the rain/overcast/wind/calm day. Lots. Some fish up on them but not quite as many as we would like. Coming soon? More fish up? Maybe.

  • Nymph of the Week: Firebead Pink Ray
  • Dry Fly of the Month: Cripple or Adams
  • Worm of the Week: Iron
  • Ninch’s Tip? Get that bugger deep or take the day off.
  • The word from Sara? Only 7 months until upland bird season. And, get your lodging booking int he books or sleep in your car again.
  • Braden Speak? Cluster Midge or Die!
  • Dewey Advice? Swing it with a heavier tip as the water levels are up.
  • Scumliner Reminder: Trout Spey Season does not end on the Mo.
  • Squeeky’s Boat Tip of the Year: Dip those oars in the water my friends. Remember, you can control that craft if you engage the long sticks hanging off the side of the boat.
  • From the Office of Julie: Kelli from  Riverside Eats can make you lunch. Check out her website and get on board. Don’t go hungry.
  • Izaak’s open everyday but Monday from 4-9pm for drinks and dinner!
  • Joe’s Bar open daily 8-2am
  • Water Temps: 45F
  • Water Flows: 7020cfs. May move again next week with more rain in the forecast. Snow in the hills this morning and more continued all day.
  • Headhunters Fly Shop: Open daily 7am. Later than the rest for afternoon shuttles and demo rod learning. See us in the afternoon and early evening for a  daily fishing report and free information in regards to the river.