What I did for Spring Break: Watch my wife and daughter catch fish on Dry Flies

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Everyone at Headhunters fishes. Some more than others, and some not as often as they once did. Our GM Julie falls into the latter category, but still loves the sport. She and I always try to catch one of the first BWO days each spring. The other day we hit the river along with our daughter Adair, who is now a capable enough angler to throw dries, streamers and whatever. She can also row and net fish. Two attributes that her father admires.

So Julie – who spends most of her time making sure the shop is running smoothly, the bills are paid, and your lodging and/or guide trips are all set – finally gets out for some dry fly fishing and hits it. At least a little. And she deserves it.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”26805″ align=”center” onclick=”lightbox”][vc_column_text]Nothing better than the above scene. My wife battling a nice Brown she caught on a single dry, and my daughter ready with the net. And because the upper stretches have been fishing a little on the slow and inconsistent side, no people around us at all. Those BWO’s the Missouri is famous for in April and May are just starting to show in good numbers, and we managed to put a couple of nice fish in the boat.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”26804″ align=”center” onclick=”lightbox”][vc_column_text]Not only did Julie experience some great fishing, but so did Adair who caught her first Mo’ fish of the year on a dry. Nice accomplishment for a 12 year old. She also nabbed a few BWO’s for the camera crew.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

3 thoughts on “What I did for Spring Break: Watch my wife and daughter catch fish on Dry Flies”

  1. Oh my John. I, and you, are getting old. I remember when Adair was a shop rat that just hung around. Now she could be a guide. Good for your family!

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